Sunday, 1 February 2015

Hi! My Name Is...

Workin Hard, Tryin To Get That Rich~

In the morning I actually let Sydney grill some fruit.  No one had done us a favor and made something that we could sponge off... so there you go.
Anyway, she enjoyed it. 
From there it was just a whole lotta collecting, bathroom breaks, and chit chats.
I wanted to continue with my plan to make connections for her.  I think we stayed at the park for a good 3 or 4 days, just collecting and harvesting.  Oh, and breeding those wonderful frogs.
Somedays we got really lucky, both with the collectables and with food. Truth is, my little homeless sim was NOT hurting for money in the least.
By the time I got the first message that she had bills to pay...  ( O_o ) She had a little more than $3000 saved up.  I hadn't bothered to take her back to her home lot, because... well... why bother.  Instead, she slept at the park. 

The routine consisted of getting her cleaned up, harvesting/collecting, and then taking her to her friends houses to put in the necessary hours to get those plants to bloom.

I took her to Gavin's place, where she became much better friends with him as well as Zoe. She also met their other roommates - J and that other dude who I can never seem to remember.  O_o They hung out. Someone made food.  She used their facilities...  You can only stay at a friends place for a max of 5 hours... so Sydney made the most of her time.
Over those first few days she visited everyone she made friends with.  Summer Holiday (which sounds like a strippers name) Through Summer she met and became
friends with Travis and Liberty.

Some where is the neighborhood she also met Nancy Landgraab.  Who shows up EVERYWHERE. That lady gets around!  

She also met Johnny ... can't remember his last name.  But he lives in Oasis Springs (the trailer lookin' house) in the only neighborhood that you can get tomatoes.

Of course, everywhere she went she was collecting whatever harvestables she could, digging, fishing and catching frogs. She hit the jackpot in that area. She managed to find 2 Whirlyflower Frogs, which are a whopping $160 each!  Kept those two babies in her inventory too, so she was making a steady income from breeding either the Whirlyflower or Sunsurfer Frogs.

Life was going pretty well for Sydney.

Like I said, the first time I took her home was to pay the bills. (Can't use the phone for anything until you get half the aspiration done.)  
So while she was there, I went ahead and purchased 2 planter boxes since she had over $3000.  After she started her home garden, there wasn't any reason to stick around, so I took her to the Willow Creek park and set up camp there. 

She spent a few days there, doing the usual.  And in between doing some odd jobs to get some of her other skills going.
A little fishing, a little chess.
She ran into some of her friends while she was living at the park.  And while she was there, she met and became friends with another sim, I believe her name is Roxana.  This one isn't connected to a neighborhood.  I think she's homeless like my girl Sydney.
Actually, playing as a Homeless sim, kinda makes you really aware of all the other homeless sims that are knockin around your game.
And they range in ages too! Kids through Elders.
Kinda sad really.

Art, imitating Life...  :(

I found myself wanting to put tents all over the place, and install showers and fridges on all public lots...

Of course, this would be against the rules.... so I didn't.  But I WANTED too.

 ______________________Part 2 End_________________________

1 comment:

  1. This was really interesting. Never thought about making my Sim camp out on lots. Very good idea. She seemed to be making a decent amount of money living on the land. Anyways, love your Sim blog and your stories. Check our my blog and I would love to hear what you thought.
